Tonight was a great night for spotting the International Space Station in my area. The ISS appeared just after 6pm around 12 degrees above the northwest horizon. It was out for a total of 6 minutes and went directly over our heads. At its highest point, the ISS was 87 degrees, nearly straight up, from my location. Pictured above is the ISS flying by my house and Jupiter (the brightest “star” in the photo). Can you spot Orion? This is a 32 second exposure with a 5.0 f-stop taken at 18mm.
Author: Scott Sousa

International Space Station, Jupiter, & Orion
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y
Quintus Winter Storm Time-Lapse
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y
Ahh the life of a photographer…never a dull moment. Perhaps it’s just my [photography] life? Whatever it is, this was certainly an interesting experience. Personally, I think it’s time for an equipment upgrade…but I digress. On to the blog!
The Setup
First, let me take you through setup the process I use when making a time-lapse. Knowing that I’d be staying at my girlfriend’s house for the duration of this snow storm, I had to make sure that I brought all of my equipment over to her house beforehand. Little did I know, I forgot one important piece of equipment. More on that a bit later.

City of New Bedford Fireworks on July 4th, 2013
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y
Well this is an event that I’ll never forget. I’ll remember it not for the fireworks, nor the fact that this was the first time I’d be viewing the City of New Bedford’s fireworks from Fairhaven, MA, but because I was so sun-burnt that it actually hurt to take these photos.
Hercules Winter Storm Time-lapse
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y
During the night on Jan. 2nd, I shot this time-lapse of over 1600 photos. Winter storm Hercules was bearing down on Southern New England. I set up shop around 9:00pm on Jan. 2nd and the last photograph was taken around 6:30am the next morning. From time to time there were near white-out conditions during this storm, though it was not as bad as the Blizzard of 2013. Like my previous time-lapse, this was shot with 2 cameras (a Canon Rebel XT, and a Canon Rebel T3) using an 18-55 lens set at ~18mm.