Jupiter and Venus are gearing up for a close encounter on the night of June 30th. Or perhaps they will be closest on the night of July 1st? I’ve seen sources cite both dates, but it all depends on where you’re located. Either way you can see them approaching one another in the night sky throughout the rest of June.
Category: Long Exposure

Peaking at the Planets
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y

Moon, Venus, and Mars Conjunction
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y
The Moon, Venus, and Mars converged in the night sky on February 20th, 2015. I took the long journey to the parking lot behind my work for some front row seats to the spectacular show.

The Lone Geminid Meteor
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y
The Geminid meteor shower peaked this year on the morning of December 14th. This was the lone Geminid meteor that I was able to capture on my camera, though I captured a bunch more with my eyes.

2014 Roger Williams Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. This year I had a chance to visit the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at Roger Williams Park Zoo with my family. The pumpkin carvings are simply amazing. Read More

International Space Station & The Big Dipper, A Happy Accident
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y
Well, it’s been a while but I’m back. Here’s a composite of the ISS passing by my house a few nights ago. Minutes before taking these photos, my camera battery was completely drained. I had to rush to make it in time but the end result was pretty satisfying. Read on to learn how merged 10 photos into one to create this composite.

International Space Station, Jupiter, & Orion
Posted by Scott Sousa On F jS, Y
Tonight was a great night for spotting the International Space Station in my area. The ISS appeared just after 6pm around 12 degrees above the northwest horizon. It was out for a total of 6 minutes and went directly over our heads. At its highest point, the ISS was 87 degrees, nearly straight up, from my location. Pictured above is the ISS flying by my house and Jupiter (the brightest “star” in the photo). Can you spot Orion? This is a 32 second exposure with a 5.0 f-stop taken at 18mm.